✨ Welcome to Peculiar Pelts, 😼 —— ✔️ ABOUT US: From July 12th, 2022 to beginning of September Peculiar had been all about hosting fun, everyday morph malls (6 days a week!) for people alike to exchange words and morphs, either catching up on the latest gossip or morph trends! And it wasn't not only a mall, but also a hangout, where anyone could converse and make new friends. Thank you for joining us on this journey, we hope you had fun. 💓 —— 💰 GIVEAWAYS: Our mall hosted daily morph giveaways so you could look as stylish as ever! We also did frequent rbx giveaways as way to give back to the community and as a thank you for supporting us. —— 📋 SCHEDULE: Tuesdays through Sundays starting at 6pm EST to 8pm EST —— 🐾 TEAMS: KP - Shoppers WC - Traders RC - Wheels SC - Giveaways TC - Makers/Fixers R/L - Multi/Other —— ⭐️ RULES: • Live, Laugh, and Love Peculiar. 💖 —— Credits: [WCUE] Trading Paradise; teams, WarriorCatsRP; logo inspiration ⚠️❗credit us for ideas/inspiration❗⚠️