Memories: Thanks for the fun all these years. You can TALK ABOUT ALL BOOKS! _____________________________________ Message me if you read them all. DON'T POST IT ON WALL! _____________________________________ QOW Shouters: Starburst484 Also, a thanks to AWKWARDBLOCKHEAD and piegirl248 for helping out a lot with the QOW. ____________________________________ RANKS: Escaper-You need to have read all books in series ______________________________________ People of the Capitol- Create a (((GOOD))) outfit or accessory for the group. ____________________________________ Catching Fire(owned by:choosy88) Hunger Games (owned by:flerbert) ~JOIN~: ______________________________________ IF SOMEONE LIES ABOUT READING ALL THE BOOKS ITS THEIR LOSS BECAUSE THEN THEY FEEL LIKE THEY DONT HAVE TO READ THEM.