-------Welcome To [Daniel'$ Official Clothing Inc.] , Where Unique Clothing Is Made! -------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- https://www.roblox.com/games/6414792279/MAIN-EVENT?refPageId=1986debe-ba24-4b2f-84da-c6b4dde3bc10 https://www.roblox.com/groups/4014766/Hypebeast#!/about -RANKS- CLOTHING DESIGNER 👕👖 😁- CHECKING OUT [CUSTOMER] (1+ Clothing Bought) 😤- APART OF [ADVANCED] (5+ Clothing Bought) 😎- [PRO CLIENT] (10+ Clothing Bought) 😈- [LITTLE DEMXN] (15+ Clothing Bought) 🤑- [RICH CUSTOMER] (20+ Clothing Bought) 💯- [TRUE MEMBER] (If you Bought the Donation Shirt) «Welcome to [Daniel'$ Official Clothing Inc.] This is an upcoming clothing group with different types of clothing for the lowest price! ✦About Group✦: -WE DO GIVEAWAYS (GROUP FUNDS) - CHECK OUT OUR CLOTHING AND JOIN SERVER -Do NOT advertise other groups/games -Do NOT start drama on the group wall -Do NOT spam scam messages on the group wall