Hello there! I make mostly Shirts and just shirts if you could by some shirts that would help support me to make more shirts thank you! Donations/funds go towards further development of this group. DONATE HERE Link: https://www.roblox.com/games/7111758643/AFK-Until-someone-donates-50 !NO ADVERTISING GROUPS OR GAMES NO LINKS AND NO SPAMING! Ranks: Buyer: Buy 1 shirt from the store Medium buyer: Buy 5 shirts COMING SOON -💰🚁Rich🛥💰: buy 16 shirts from the store ----------------------------------- DESIGNER ROLE Designer: Designer role is now a thing you will be PAYED and say designer if you would like to be one you will be making shirts for this groups store and depending on how good your shirts does you will get 30-50% of the cut for your shirts sales. shirt designs have to be approved by me in the social link that we have. !READ ME!-(EACH SHIRT COST 10 ROBUX TO UPLOAD)!