🍔Welcome to Carl's Jr🍟 🍔 "Real Food, Made Right" 🍔 Carl’s Jr is one of the biggest burger fast food chain in the world! Join the group! Take an application! Attend training to be promoted! You can find Carl’s Jr games under the group experiences. 🎮Restaurant: https://www.roblox.com/games/7268011166/Work-at-a-Carls-Jr-Carls-Jr-Restaurant-V1 ✏️Quiz Center: https://www.roblox.com/games/7308887313/APPLY-Carls-Jr-Quiz-Center 💬 Join our community server to stay update on group events and shifts! 👕 Merch is under the group store! Store: https://www.roblox.com/groups/11901592/Carls-Jr-FastFood#!/store Tags: Cafe, Restaurant, Roblox, Fan, Group, SoftDrink, Fast, FastFood, CJ, FastFoodRestaurant, Food, IceCream, Milkshakes, Burgers, Fries, Youtube, Cool, Epic, Dope, Carl's, Carl's Jr