→ * ⋆ welcome to _avatar ranking_ ꒰✨꒱ → * ⋆ founded by swag꒰⚡️꒱ → * ⋆ here we rank your avatar based on how we think it is! ꒰👍꒱ → * ⋆ we dont mean to offend so if u dislike your rank please rejoin! ꒰🦋꒱ ➪ rules: no advertising/self promo★ no bullying others★ no begging for a certain rank/becoming staff★ if you advertise you will get ss2 to ss3 warnings, but if you disobey them, we will mute you for a day, if it continues when we unmute you, we will have to exile★ ➪ extra info: ↷we have ranker interviews every so often!! ꒰🤍꒱ ↷begging for staff will decrease your chance of becoming 1one ꒰💫꒱ ↷if you have anything to ask, say it on the wall but if it is a private matter you are more than welcome to ask to friend a staff ↷ it would be very appreciated if you advertised for us ♡ no copying the group icon, desc and rank ideas without letting swag know, he will tell you any further details ♡ thank you for joining and we hope you have fun!! ♡ description by @ ariana