["Furry Group,furry games,furry rank,clothes fur".] (Polscy ludzie są tu mile widziani) [!If you want to join the server you must have an avatar set, because the bot will kick you out of the server every time you don't have an avatar!] [the group is for everyone, not just furries] [Support LGBT and LGBQ and Therians,Furrys] [all People] [language all] *Rules:* - 1. No spam, advertising or self-promotion: respect others' time and avoid spamming with messages. - 2. No harassment or bullying: harassment, bullying or any other form of harassment will not be tolerated. 3.advertising not allowed - 4. do not call anyone names, curse or insult a person or tell lies about them, we do not tolerate this and we will check every opinion to see if it is telling the truth. - 5.links in the group are allowed - 6.hate is unacceptable _____ The group was founded in January 7 22r.