Rules: I) If you WANT to be ranked to your zodiac sign, (Aries, Taurus, Gemini, etc..) let us know and we will rank you up! ☀️ II) (Mainly applies to staff) if you see someone trolling, misbehaving, etc, warn them ONCE and if they continues, then put them in the ‘suspended’ rank in the group. 🦋 III) Please have RESPECT to everyone in the group. 💓 IV) If your rank is INCORRECT for some reason, let an admin+ know and we will change it. 💫 V) Follow ALL roblox rules. 🌳 VI) Advertising is allowed, but NO spam advertising. 🥕 VII) If you advertise but you leave, your post will be deleted. 🌓 VIII) Have fun 🤩 #TZSHC!!!