「 🌊 」✩ Welcome to Half’Splash’s Group! 「 📖 」✩ US: We are a welcoming & friendly and growing group that’s been open since May, 2021. We host malls everyday except Sunday, Giveaways & Ect! If you’re looking for morphs and a great place to hang and talk, go ahead and look out for our Malls! 「 📋 」✩ SCHEDULE: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Thursday, Friday, & Saturday, 12 pm EST 「 🐬 」✩ MALL ROLES KP: Shopper R/L: Multi/Other WC: Arcade TC: Maker RC: Trader SC: Staff SPECIAL OCCASIONS 💎 「 🌟 」✩ Rbx Giveaway: NOW 「 🪼 」✩ MORPH GIVEAWAYS: Every Friday at the end of the Mall! 「 ❗️ 」✩ RULES: Please abide by Roblox TOS Respect all members! No Advertising other groups (Unless you ask!) Give Credits if usage our ideas! Donators = Rank 🆙 🔓 ASK to use https://www.roblox.com/games/3663340706?privateServerLinkCode=70875183189173561292477389504513 「 🗞️ 」✩ Tryouts: https://www.roblox.com/groups/15737936 Pfp: Kestrelpeace: Disco Drake’s Chicken