TK-Roblox分部 no slender no toxic no hacker —————————— 三國-THREE KINGDOMS的Roblox分部 钢铁之躯2:新大陆(steel and flesh:new land)中外第一战队 Roblox三叶草城(Roblox-Clover city)国人第一帮派 (欢迎国人加入 请在广播加球球号拉你进群) ①不要乱打人、主动辱骂(Don't attack others or abuse others for no reason) ②在名字后面加_TK后缀编入⚔️怯辪皇家禁卫军🛡️(Add TK suffix to the name=Incorporate into the Keshig Royal Guards) ③将军评判标准 : 强大、活跃、聪慧、忠诚(General evaluation criteria: high skill, fight actively, wise and loyalty) ④将军权力: 动员打仗、辅佐可汗、第二王权(General power: mobilizing to fight, assisting Khan, have power) ⑤将军官衔授予标准:武力值、活跃度、贡献度(General rank award standard: force value, activity, contribution) —————————— 加入标准:忠诚、心智正常(魔怔哥和网络老鼠勿入) Joining criteria: Loyalty and normal mind 群组ID:15470228 来了就是兄弟 你的敌人就是我们的敌人 并肩作战 永不言败 Join us as brothers, your enemy is our enemy, fight side by side and never say die! —————————— 🛡️欢迎加入🗡️ WELCOME TO JOIN US