Just a wonderful clothing developer! Also check my 𝙘𝙡𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙤𝙪𝙩💥💥💥✨✨ and a family friendly group😌 ❗️SAFE SPACE TO VENT❗️ rules: no swearing no fights/no arguments ask before advertising🌷 no scamming {ranks}💖 ✨Angels✨🔥 (normal rank) Kind purchasers⚡️🌸 (brought something from the store) 1v1🗡️ (people in the queue to 1v1) muted/scamming🚨❌ (people that are muted from the group wall) Venters💔(people that are having hard times and are venting) If you wanna advertise tell me! I changed the wonders role to angels! I don’t give robux/godlies/adopt me pets out for free so please don’t beg me! Tysmm for all ur kind support ur giving me💗 New goal: 1.5k members (My first ever goal when I created this group was 1k members Look how far we’ve gotten.)