|-| Flares Of Winds |-|

Roblox Group

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2 years ago
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8 months ago
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2 days ago


🐾 Flares of Winds is a development group, working to release a wolf roleplay game called Packs of Four! The game's early testing and alpha testing have been completed. However, the game is currently in development. 🌲 

Please don’t be toxic and such or you’ll be kicked and or banned. Please no advertising within the group wall however if you’d like to advertise this group feel free.

We always appreciate feedback as it helps us make the game and group better! Just say your ideas on the wall or in the feedback channel in our guild

What to do if you feel you have been banned for an unjust reason: contact me or another staff member via the guild server and I’d be happy to help and tell you why you were banned. However if you were banned unjustly then you will be in banned immediately! Please just don’t make a big deal over it. 

Staff apps:
Opens soon!


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