[This group is now Retired] “Thank you all for the wonderful memories we have all made the past 2 years.” - Col. Detin Prob (Old group description below) Hello everyone, We are the Roblox Universal Defense Force! We are a group dedicated to the defense of Roblox servers everywhere! (Based in the game Aniphobia) *MUST BE IN THE DISCO TO KEEP UPDATED WITH DEPLOYMENTS AND UPDATES!* In order to be ranked from recruit to operator you need to join one of the trainings. you can join one of the trainings by contacting on of the higher ups or DI's on the disco. we do trainings regularly so please sign up for one! RECRUITS SHOULD GET THE GRAY BDU AS THE FIRST UNIFORM- located in the shop. RECRUITS CAN JOIN SQUADRONS ONCE THEY ARE TRAINED- RUDF squads are smaller groups within the RUDF that will go on smaller missions and get you more active. squads have their own uniform and logo in order to be more identifiable. The game- https://www.roblox.com/games/6788434697/AniPhobia