NBC Shirts Creators For All!

Roblox Group

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9 years ago
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2 years ago
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3 weeks ago


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Check out our new merch we have 2 new shirts and also invite your friends to the group and check out the store!
4 years ago


Hey, this group was made to support NBC's aka freemium players like myself, not everyone can afford robux and I understand that from experience so I set out to help myself and others as well as allow them to share their artwork and clothing if they want to be a designer!

In order to create clothing, and sell it you must become premium or you can contact me and we can try to make it happen! 

Don't click the links that are spammed into the comment section, they usually rob your info and get into your account 

Please avoid. Report any hateful or rude comments or PM me and I'll deal with it.

Help us spread the group's influence and help us fill the need!

Support a good cause!


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