Sinister Devil's Allies - Dread Lords of dominant clans. Tournament Crew's - Gladiators of the forthcoming tournament, or their formidable stand-ins. Undecided - Initiate souls awaiting their unholy assignment. Believers - Active acolytes of the Abyss. Worshippers - Unyieldingly present | Level 10+ | Devout disciples of the Beast. Reapers - Intensely engaged | Level 25+ | Harbingers of death and collectors of souls. Demons - Exclusively hardcore players | Level 35+ | Mercenaries of malevolence. Sirens - Overpowered predators | Level 50+ | Echoes of His terrible voice. Lucifer - The right hand of Doom | Annihilator of all opposition. The Beast - Supreme Overlord | The most diabolical and fearsome entity of them all.