Welcome to East Vale Town Group, this group is based off the game we made EastVale City Roleplay Beta, We Hope for the better and pay that you guys Like our game we thank yall for spending yall time playing eastvale. -----{CREATORS/DEVS}----- [CREATOR] -> GlockBustaRell [DEVELOPER] -> BloxStreCover [DEVELOPER] -> TKDraco Reselling Turfs! [ALL PRICES OF TURF WILL BE IN STORE!] -Selling Superadmin, Admin, Mod [ALL PRICES OF ADMIN WILL BE PLACED IN OUR STORE!] -Subscribe to BloxStreCover & Retro Rell -Link Of Game -> https://www.roblox.com/games/4828057849/East-Vale-City-BETA Wanna Tryout For the EastVale Police Department? Here is the Link of the Group -> https://www.roblox.com/groups/3325567/POLICE-OF-EAST-VALE#!/about Join The Cord Server for more informantion on the Police Team Tryout