A group where we can all share info about aircraft, setup some Flying events on some games, And just talk about aviation in general. Anything aviation related can be said! Also don’t be afraid to ask questions! Welcome to aircraft pilot RP group! My experience in aviation... My favourite aircraft are the Trislander and the 747-8. I've flown real life aircraft such as a Robin 2120, Robin 2160 also known as (alpha 2160) And I've also flown Cessna 172. (By far the easiest plane to fly, Annoying to taxi though) I’ve been in a ATR-72, Dash Q-300, a320 and Cessna 172 Eurocopter as a passenger and I’ve been in the front seat (co pilot) of a DHC-3 Otter however wasn’t flying it. I've also gone onto a Sikorsky S-76 Helicopter simulator Part of northland recue helicopter services.