this group is not active and just exists from my cringy 12 year old roblox phase. ignore it pleaseee This group is for animal fans only! No scams, bullying, spamming, or anything else that is against the rules of Roblox. This group is for talking to people on the group wall and answering the questions on the group shouts. We may make a simple hangout game at some point as well, but please don’t ask for a game because one person asking is probably not going to make us work any faster. Also, join Masked Mango Studios! Begging for robux is not tolerated, if you do it you will be given a warning and the posts will be deleted, but if you do it again than you WILL be kicked. Also, please no advertising Keep in mind that this group is a safe space for everything, I absolutely do not tolerate homophobia, transphobia, racism, ableism, or anything along those lines, so disregarding this rule may result in a ban without warning.