Hi, this group is a group that sell cool shirts that are cheap! and comment down below on what shirt u want us to make! We like having party's in cheap cool stuff hangout it is really fun! :D Currently working on making new games in Fake Team so join Fake Team :) check out our new bestselling shirt! https://web.roblox.com/catalog/5410109464/Red-Striped-PJs Here another bestselling shirt! https://web.roblox.com/catalog/5410124082/Supreme-Gray-Hoodie {How To Be COOL SECURITY} just say and make group better ( new rule to get rebex u gotta make a shirt or win competition I hope u understand see ya! :D RULES: *No Scamming 😤 *Only times you can earn 🤑 is when you win competition 🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑 so no begging *Lastly NO STRONG LANGUAGE you might be instantly exiled😡