Welcome to the Sky Wing Army! Queen Ruby has accepted you to join! (Huge credit to Archeonia and Korvair for the creation of the Wings of Fire game!) -We strongly encourage you to check the group every 1-2 weeks for daily updated feed. -When you join, you will be placed in the rank trainee. The more training lessons or battles ### come to, the higher rank you'll get. -CBE on rank title= cannot be earned using points. -Training lessons and battles are hosted randomly in the Wings Of Fire game by the ranks: Commander and General and Assistant Trainers -When you cause mischief, you will be placed into the 'on trial' role. This means you will have to go to the court and we will decide if you are guilty. If you are, you will get a strike. Three strikes, and you're kicked. Thank you for joining the army! You are making a difference in sky wing's lives. (Notes: Please have obtained the sky wing armor in the game and have your rank in your OC!)