Hello my people 😌 This is a family friendly scammer and begger free group. It's mainly for mm2 godly trades. This is just a happy place to send your trades. Ask some questions and possibly even win giveaways 👀 Rules: 🚫 •Try not to flood the wall🚫 •Do not accuse scammers without solid proof.🚫 •Advertising is Not allowed. 📄🚫 •No drama/Arguments it will just end up in a warning.🚫 •No disrespecting other people or staff.🚫 •Alt accounts are strictly prohibited as they ruin giveaways.🚫 3 warnings end up in a suspension. Scamming Is an insta perma suspension. Suspensions are 3 days to a perma suspension My joins are normally off to non friends.🤥 I'd appreciate it if u follow me. 🤩And I'm an mm2 addict 😛 Hoping to gain lots of members in the near future. With the help of chris we have skyrocketed this group from 100 members to nearly 600! We accept donations 😛😌 Lots of shirts to buy make sure to cop they pretty cheap <3 Make sure to check out Chris's channel No_Dr1pChris