BEFORE JOINING PLEASE READ THIS DESCRIPTION. "Mhmmm, what a good day to head to Wendy's for a baconator..." you'd think as you join the group. ----------------------- WARNING, for legal reasons, we are not liable if there is mold, rats, or other infestations in your baconator, if you are requesting a refund, you shouldn't have bought a baconator in the first place. ----------------------- ABOUT RANKING: Our rank system is based off of free roles and roles you must buy, the ranks you buy give you special abilities to talk on the shout. To buy, you must buy the shirt in the store. To request a role, please message in the wall what role you'd like. ----------------------- IF YOU HAVE BEEN RERANKED TO THE LINE, IT MEANS YOU HAVE BEEN BANNED, TO APPEAL MESSAGE THE OWNER. -----------------------