♾️ || A train speeds across the infinite white of an eternal winter on a frozen planet, a train which never stops. It is the ark train Snowpiercer, 1001 cars long, still in motion over 113 revolutions after Departure. Ruled by the reclusive Conductor from the perpetual motion engine, Snowpiercer is organized into a class system to maintain order. Join this group and participate in Snowpiercer's endless journey. 🚃 || Explore the 1001 cars of Snowpiercer, from stunning greenhouses to dangerous industrial cars, Snowpiercer has a wide variety of environments to explore. 🪙 || Participate in the complex economy of Snowpiercer., complete difficult quests and work your way up the Class System, from the Tail Section to Third Class. ⚔️ || Tip the scales between order and chaos. Side with the carefully balanced order of Magellan Enterprises or join the Resistance and fight against the system for freedom.