WARNING: It looks like a toy because said higher powers don't like realistic weapons. Please remove the orange tip at your own discretion. The thumbnail looks weird because of said higher powers. The Multi-purpose Automatic Rifle, Kalashnikov, 17th generation, Modified, is a weapon that traces its roots back to Mikhail Kalashnikov's AK-47 and its derivatives. Though it is an old earth design, NHI's PMC branch, PHOSPHON LLC, believed that the design was worth bringing back to life on new earth. The "N74" variant aims to replicate the feel of the old-world Soviet AK-74, chambering the old-earth 5.45 by 39 millimeter cartridge instead of more powerful new-world alternatives, using the same AG-S4 molding compound to replicate the infamous Soviet "Bakelite" magazines used in older AK-74s. Modeled and textured by: matthewthecowboy For more items, visit Nomino Heavy Industries' Store page here: https://www.roblox.com/groups/16496578/Nomino-Heavy-Industries#!/store
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